Annet Tutorial ============== This tutorial has been tested on MacOS but should also work on Linux. While it's unclear if Windows WSL supports it, there's no harm in trying! Prepare Environment ------------------- We'll use Docker Compose to set up the lab environment. You're welcome to use any other virtualization tool, but Docker Compose is straightforward and works across Linux, macOS, and Windows. For MacOS, we recommend using `Docker Desktop for Mac `__ or `orbstack `__. Arista cEOS ^^^^^^^^^^^ We've chosen to use Containerized Arista EOS because Arista EOS is widely used and has a Cisco-like interface that's easy to understand. The key advantage is that the image can be `downloaded from the official site `__ for free by any registered user. .. note:: Use your own domain or corporate email for registration, as Arista doesn't allow common email providers like Gmail. Download the image and import it into Docker: .. code:: bash docker image import cEOS64-lab-4.33.1F.tar.xz arista-ceos:4.33.1F --platform linux/amd64 Topology ^^^^^^^^ :: ╔════════╗ Eth1 ║AS 65001║ Eth2 ┌─────────║ r1 ║──────────┐ │ .11 ║ ║ .11 │ │ ╚════════╝ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ Eth1 │ .12 .13 │ Eth1 ╔════════╗ ╔════════╗ ║AS 65002║ Eth2 Eth2 ║AS 65003║ ║ r2 ║────────────────────║ r3 ║ ║ ║.12 .13║ ║ ╚════════╝ ╚════════╝ The network consists of three routers directly connected to each other. Out-of-band management IP addresses are: +--------+------------------+ | Router | MGMT | +========+==================+ | r1 | ```` | +--------+------------------+ | r2 | ```` | +--------+------------------+ | r3 | ```` | +--------+------------------+ Netbox ^^^^^^ .. note:: Currently, version 3.7 is supported (2025q1). Support for newer versions will be added soon. If you prefer to use your own Netbox installation, you can skip this section. However, make sure to read the notes at the beginning of the next section. The easiest way to install Netbox is to use the dockerized version. .. code:: bash # # clone repo with dockerized version of netbox git clone # # got into directory cd netbox-docker # # change version to 3.7, you can do it in you favorite editor instead, # just replace "VERSION-v4.1-3.0.2" to "VERSION-v3.7" in ./netbox-docker/docker-compose.yml, or use sed: # NOTE: be careful, in the tutorial version 3.0.2 of netbox docker is using, # may be you face with newer version and it requires to change something else too, # to checkout the correct version use "git fetch --tags && git checkout tags/3.0.2" sed -i.bak 's/VERSION-v4.1-3.0.2/VERSION-v3.7/g' docker-compose.yml # # if you run netbox on weak hardware you can change timeouts in docker-compose.yml, # e.g. multiply all the timeouts by 10 in your favorite editor, or use sed: sed -i.bak 's/0s/00s/g' docker-compose.yml Docker Compose Override File ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Some important notes: 1. The directories ``lab/ceos-rX.flash`` are required to store the saved configuration of cEOS. 2. Before running cEOS, prepare the ``startup-config`` with the management IP address and a local user ``annet:annet``. 3. The ``depends_on`` section is added to each cEOS service to avoid overloading resources on weaker hardware. 4. The docker-compose file specifies the cEOS version. If you use a different version, update the file accordingly. 5. If you use your own Netbox, you need to: - Create a directory ``netbox-docker``; - Change ``docker-compose.override.yml`` to ``docker-compose.yml``; - Remove the ``services/netbox`` section from the docker-compose file; - Remove the ``depends_on`` section from the cEOS services. .. code:: bash # go to root of your folder cd .. # # create folders for cEOS configuration files mkdir -p lab/ceos-r1.flash lab/ceos-r2.flash lab/ceos-r3.flash # # create configuration files for cEOS cat > lab/ceos-r1.flash/startup-config < lab/ceos-r2.flash/startup-config < lab/ceos-r3.flash/startup-config < docker-compose.override.yml < /sbin/init systemd.setenv=INTFTYPE=eth systemd.setenv=MGMT_INTF=eth0 systemd.setenv=MAPETH0=1 systemd.setenv=ETBA=1 systemd.setenv=SKIP_ZEROTOUCH_BARRIER_IN_SYSDBINIT=1 systemd.setenv=CEOS=1 systemd.setenv=EOS_PLATFORM=ceoslab systemd.setenv=container=docker services: netbox: container_name: netbox hostname: netbox ports: - 8000:8080 r1: <<: *ceos-defaults hostname: r1 container_name: r1 depends_on: netbox: condition: service_healthy networks: default: ipv4_address: r1r2_net: ipv4_address: r1r3_net: ipv4_address: volumes: - ../lab/ceos-r1.flash:/mnt/flash/ r2: <<: *ceos-defaults hostname: r2 container_name: r2 depends_on: netbox: condition: service_healthy networks: default: ipv4_address: r1r2_net: ipv4_address: r2r3_net: ipv4_address: volumes: - ../lab/ceos-r2.flash:/mnt/flash/ r3: <<: *ceos-defaults hostname: r3 container_name: r3 depends_on: netbox: condition: service_healthy networks: default: ipv4_address: r1r3_net: ipv4_address: r2r3_net: ipv4_address: volumes: - ../lab/ceos-r3.flash:/mnt/flash/ EOF Run Environment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Now, let's run Netbox and the lab: .. code:: none docker compose up -d Ensure Netbox is accessible at http://localhost:8000/. Create a superuser using the script: .. code:: none docker-compose run netbox python createsuperuser For consistency, use ``annet`` for both the login and password. You can change these later if needed. Try connecting to the cEOS CLI: .. code:: none docker exec -it r1 Cli Try connecting to cEOS via SSH using ``annet:annet``: .. code:: none ssh annet@ Update Netbox Database ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Annet uses data from Netbox to generate configurations. Ensure the data is in place before working with Annet. 1. In **Organisation/Site**, add a Site - name: ``lab``, slug: ``lab``. 2. In **Devices/Manufacturers**, add a Manufacturer - name: ``Arista``, slug: ``arista``. 3. In **Devices/Device Types**, add a Device Type - Manufacturer: ``Arista``, name: ``cEOS``, slug: ``ceos``. 4. In **Devices/Device Roles**, add a Device Role - name: ``switch``, slug: ``switch``, color: choose any. 5. In **Devices/Devices**, add three Devices: - name: ``r1.lab``, device role: ``switch``, device type: ``cEOS``, site: ``lab``; - name: ``r2.lab``, device role: ``switch``, device type: ``cEOS``, site: ``lab``; - name: ``r3.lab``, device role: ``switch``, device type: ``cEOS``, site: ``lab``. 6. For each device, add interfaces in **Add Components/Interfaces**: - name: ``Ethernet1``, type: ``1000Base-T``; - name: ``Ethernet2``, type: ``1000Base-T``; - name: ``Ethernet3``, type: ``1000Base-T``; - name: ``Management0``, type: ``1000Base-T``, Management only: ``True``. 7. For each device, add an IP address in the **Interfaces** tab: - device: ``r1.lab``, interface: ``Management0``, IP address: ````; - device: ``r2.lab``, interface: ``Management0``, IP address: ````; - device: ``r3.lab``, interface: ``Management0``, IP address: ````. 8. For each device, assign a **Primary IPv4** address. In edit mode, assign **Primary IPv4** to ````, ````, and ```` respectively. 9. Finally, create connections between devices following the topology. In the **Interfaces** tab, add cables between: - device: ``r1.lab``, interface: ``Ethernet1``, connected to device: ``r2.lab``, interface: ``Ethernet1``; - device: ``r1.lab``, interface: ``Ethernet2``, connected to device: ``r3.lab``, interface: ``Ethernet1``; - device: ``r2.lab``, interface: ``Ethernet2``, connected to device: ``r3.lab``, interface: ``Ethernet2``. Annet Installation ---------------------- Create a virtual environment and install Annet along with the required packages. We recommend using Python 3.12 or later. .. code:: bash # go to root of your folder cd .. # # create and activate venv python3 -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate # # install packages pip install "annet[netbox]" gnetcli_adapter gnetclisdk gnetcli ^^^^^^^ Before we start, we need to install the gnetcli server binary. .. note:: This step requires Golang to be installed. Alternatively, you can download the binary for your platform from Annet will use this binary, so ensure the folder containing it is added to your PATH environment variable. .. code:: bash export GOPATH=~/go export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin go install Annet Configuration ------------------- Annet interacts with devices and Netbox, so we need to define: 1. Device credentials. For the lab environment, we use ``annet:annet``. 2. A Netbox token. Open Netbox, go to **Admins/API Tokens**, and add a new token for the user ``annet``. .. code:: bash # # create folder for future annet generators mkdir generators touch generators/ # # create configuration file: cat > annet_config.yaml < annet show device-dump r1.lab device.asset_tag = None device.breed = 'eos4' device.created = datetime.datetime(2025, 1, 26, 12, 0, 14, 63670, tzinfo=tzutc()) = 1 = 'switch' device.device_type = DeviceType(id=1, manufacturer=Entity(id=1, name='Arista'), model='cEOS') device.display = 'r1.lab' device.face = None device.fqdn = 'r1.lab' device.hostname = 'r1.lab' device.hw.model = 'Arista cEOS' device.hw.soft = '' device.hw.vendor = 'arista' device.hw.Arista = True ... Try to get the current configuration of a device: .. code:: none > annet show current r1.lab # -------------------- r1.lab.cfg -------------------- ! Command: show running-config ! device: r1 (cEOSLab, EOS-4.33.1F-39879738.4331F (engineering build)) ! no aaa root ! username annet privilege 15 role network-admin secret sha512 $6$i5LaTWzHeAJx/vLu$rYUKKATawfpjItHKJJie3Fgsa2EqkMyH0XYY2.1Dl/2G.uNVzuntS5poblWuf6urafiurknH2/NotkUHiamoP. ! switchport default mode routed ! no service interface inactive port-id allocation disabled ! transceiver qsfp default-mode 4x10G ! service routing protocols model multi-agent ! hostname r1 ! spanning-tree mode mstp ! system l1 unsupported speed action error unsupported error-correction action error ! aaa authorization serial-console aaa authorization exec default local aaa authorization exec console none ! interface Ethernet1 no switchport ! interface Ethernet2 no switchport ! interface Ethernet3 no switchport ! interface Management0 ip address ! ip routing ! router multicast ipv4 software-forwarding kernel ! ipv6 software-forwarding kernel ! end Let's Play with Annet ---------------------- Create First Generator ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For now, let's create a generator for interface descriptions. Create a file ``generators/``: .. code:: python from annet.generators import PartialGenerator from import Device class Description(PartialGenerator): """Generator of description on interfaces""" # tags allow more usefully execute set of generators TAGS = ["description", "iface"] # for partial generators there are two methods for each vendors should be: # - acl_ # - run_ def acl_arista(self, _: Device): """ACL for Arista devices""" return """ interface description """ def run_arista(self, device: Device): """Generator for Arista devices""" for interface in device.interfaces: if interface.connected_endpoints: with self.block(f"interface {}"): remote_device = interface.connected_endpoints[0]".")[0] remote_iface = interface.connected_endpoints[0].name yield f"description {remote_device}@{remote_iface}" And update the file ``generators/``: .. code:: python from annet.generators import BaseGenerator from import Storage from . import description def get_generators(store: Storage) -> list[BaseGenerator]: """All the generators should be returned by the function""" return [ description.Description(store), ] Check the list of generators: .. code:: none > annet show generators | PARTIAL-Class | Tags | Module | Description | |-----------------+--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------| | Description | description, iface | Users_gslv_annet_generators___init___py.description | Generator of description on interfaces | Get the generated configuration for all three devices: .. code:: none > annet gen -g description r1.lab r2.lab r3.lab # -------------------- r1.lab.cfg -------------------- interface Ethernet1 description r2@Ethernet1 interface Ethernet2 description r3@Ethernet1 # -------------------- r2.lab.cfg -------------------- interface Ethernet1 description r1@Ethernet1 interface Ethernet2 description r3@Ethernet2 # -------------------- r3.lab.cfg -------------------- interface Ethernet1 description r1@Ethernet2 interface Ethernet2 description r2@Ethernet2 Look at the diff: .. code:: diff > annet diff -g description r1.lab r2.lab r3.lab # -------------------- r2.lab.cfg -------------------- interface Ethernet1 + description r1@Ethernet1 interface Ethernet2 + description r3@Ethernet2 # -------------------- r3.lab.cfg -------------------- interface Ethernet1 + description r1@Ethernet2 interface Ethernet2 + description r2@Ethernet2 # -------------------- r1.lab.cfg -------------------- interface Ethernet1 + description r2@Ethernet1 interface Ethernet2 + description r3@Ethernet1 And deploy it: .. code:: none > annet deploy -g description r1.lab r2.lab r3.lab Verify the result: .. code:: none > ssh annet@ (annet@ Password: Last login: Sun Jan 26 15:29:33 2025 from r1#sh int desc Interface Status Protocol Description Et1 up up r2@Ethernet1 Et2 up up r3@Ethernet1 Ma0 up up r1# Extend Coverage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Thanks to ACL, we can add new configuration parts to Annet step by step without affecting other parts of the configuration. Add generators for AAA, hostname, IP address, routing, and STP. Create the following files: ``generators/``: .. code:: python from annet.generators import PartialGenerator from import Device LOCAL_USERS = { "annet": { "privilege": 15, "role": "network-admin", "secret sha512": "$6$i5LaTWzHeAJx/vLu$rYUKKATawfpjItHKJJie3Fgsa2EqkMyH0XYY2.1Dl/2G.uNVzuntS5poblWuf6urafiurknH2/NotkUHiamoP." } } class Aaa(PartialGenerator): """Generator of AAA""" TAGS = ["aaa"] def acl_arista(self, _: Device): """ACL for Arista devices""" return """ aaa username """ def run_arista(self, _: Device): """Generator for Arista devices""" yield "no aaa root" yield "aaa authorization serial-console" yield "aaa authorization exec default local" yield "aaa authorization exec console none" for username, attributes in LOCAL_USERS.items(): attributes_line = " ".join(f"{key} {value}" for key, value in attributes.items()) yield f"username {username} {attributes_line}" ``generators/``: .. code:: python from annet.generators import PartialGenerator from import Device class Hostname(PartialGenerator): """Generator of Hostname""" TAGS = ["hostname"] def acl_arista(self, _: Device): """ACL for Arista devices""" return """ hostname """ def run_arista(self, device: Device): """Generator for Arista devices""" yield f"hostname {device.hostname.split('.')[0]}" ``generators/``: .. code:: python from annet.generators import PartialGenerator from import Device class IpAddress(PartialGenerator): """Generator of IP addresses""" TAGS = ["routing", "iface"] def acl_arista(self, _: Device): """ACL for Arista devices""" return """ interface ip address no switchport """ def run_arista(self, device: Device): """Generator for Arista devices""" for interface in device.interfaces: with self.block(f"interface {}"): for ip_address in interface.ip_addresses: yield f"ip address {ip_address.address}" if"Ethernet"): yield "no switchport" ``generators/``: .. code:: python from annet.generators import PartialGenerator from import Device class Routing(PartialGenerator): """Generator of Routing""" TAGS = ["routing"] def acl_arista(self, _: Device): """ACL for Arista devices""" return """ service routing ip routing """ def run_arista(self, _: Device): """Generator for Arista devices""" yield "service routing protocols model multi-agent" yield "ip routing" ``generators/``: .. code:: python from annet.generators import PartialGenerator from import Device class Stp(PartialGenerator): """Generator of STP""" TAGS = ["stp"] def acl_arista(self, _: Device): """ACL for Arista devices""" return """ spanning-tree """ def run_arista(self, _: Device): """Generator for Arista devices""" yield "spanning-tree mode mstp" Again, update ``generators/``: .. code:: python from annet.generators import BaseGenerator from import Storage from . import aaa, description, hostname, ip_address, routing, stp def get_generators(store: Storage) -> list[BaseGenerator]: """All the generators should be returned by the function""" return [ aaa.Aaa(store), description.Description(store), hostname.Hostname(store), ip_address.IpAddress(store), routing.Routing(store), stp.Stp(store), ] Look at the list of generators: .. code:: none > annet show generators | PARTIAL-Class | Tags | Module | Description | |-----------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Aaa | aaa | | Generator of AAA | | Description | description, iface | Users_gslv_dev_annet_generators___init___py.description | Generator of description on interfaces | | Hostname | hostname | Users_gslv_dev_annet_generators___init___py.hostname | Generator of Hostname | | IpAddress | routing, iface | Users_gslv_dev_annet_generators___init___py.ip_address | Generator of IP addresses | | Routing | routing | Users_gslv_dev_annet_generators___init___py.routing | Generator of Routing | | Stp | stp | Users_gslv_dev_annet_generators___init___py.stp | Generator of STP | Look at the diff: .. code:: diff > annet diff r1.lab r2.lab r3.lab # -------------------- r3.lab.cfg -------------------- - username annet privilege 15 role network-admin secret sha512 $6$s7NCIG5Rocu3FSK0$018nDOmgJctLO7qGVotvo9OOD1qyKVMTwaURO8sh7YaoCitMIE2HRWePYq2T5aGqEsa2Y0ukqe5/PKlNV43zc0 + username annet privilege 15 role network-admin secret sha512 $6$i5LaTWzHeAJx/vLu$rYUKKATawfpjItHKJJie3Fgsa2EqkMyH0XYY2.1Dl/2G.uNVzuntS5poblWuf6urafiurknH2/NotkUHiamoP. # -------------------- r2.lab.cfg -------------------- - username annet privilege 15 role network-admin secret sha512 $6$ycnCXwDzpQPU6WqS$6u0MD.hyOKaRh6r8Tnb97S8zFQVYeXaQuo8nkFHCez7VlBxeJmGsbbgeTePg.k23hEdK.LN1TB5sCjfkS7Mdu. + username annet privilege 15 role network-admin secret sha512 $6$i5LaTWzHeAJx/vLu$rYUKKATawfpjItHKJJie3Fgsa2EqkMyH0XYY2.1Dl/2G.uNVzuntS5poblWuf6urafiurknH2/NotkUHiamoP. We notice that the user ``annet`` has a different hash on ``r2`` and ``r3``. This is fine because we created the user ``annet`` with a plain text password in the default configuration. Look at the patch: .. code:: none > annet patch r2.lab r3.lab # -------------------- r2.lab.patch -------------------- username annet privilege 15 role network-admin secret sha512 $6$i5LaTWzHeAJx/vLu$rYUKKATawfpjItHKJJie3Fgsa2EqkMyH0XYY2.1Dl/2G.uNVzuntS5poblWuf6urafiurknH2/NotkUHiamoP. # -------------------- r3.lab.patch -------------------- username annet privilege 15 role network-admin secret sha512 $6$i5LaTWzHeAJx/vLu$rYUKKATawfpjItHKJJie3Fgsa2EqkMyH0XYY2.1Dl/2G.uNVzuntS5poblWuf6urafiurknH2/NotkUHiamoP. And deploy it: .. code:: none > annet deploy r2.lab r3.lab Again look at the diff: .. code:: none > annet diff r1.lab r2.lab r3.lab No diff found - everything is ok for now. Look at the diff without ACL to check what's configurations lines is still not covered by annet: .. code:: diff > annet diff r1.lab r2.lab r3.lab --no-acl # -------------------- r1.lab.cfg, r2.lab.cfg, r3.lab.cfg -------------------- - switchport default mode routed - transceiver qsfp default-mode 4x10G - system l1 - unsupported speed action error - unsupported error-correction action error - router multicast - ipv4 - software-forwarding kernel - ipv6 - software-forwarding kernel - end - no service interface inactive port-id allocation disabled We've skipped them, but if you want, you can create new generators to add them to Annet. BGP Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Annet has a brilliant tool for creating BGP peers — mesh. It allows us to create templates for BGP peers and apply them to Netbox devices. Annet takes connections between devices from Netbox and passes them through templates. As a result, we get a list of local and remote peer pairs. This list can be used in generators. Some people call mesh templates "network design in Python code!" Imagine we need to have BGP sessions between ``r1``, ``r2``, and ``r3`` over direct links to exchange IPv4 routes. Create a mesh template ``generators/mesh_views/``: .. code:: python from annet.mesh import DirectPeer, GlobalOptions, MeshRulesRegistry, MeshSession # create registry, short name allows skip domain parts in templates registry = MeshRulesRegistry(match_short_name=True) # define base asnum BASE_ASNUM = 65000 # define global options of the host @registry.device("r{num}") def global_options(global_opts: GlobalOptions): """Define global options""" global_opts.router_id = f"1.1.1.{global_opts.match.num}" # define peering between routers, we use different names for num, because if they have the same names they have to be with the same value # e.g. ("r{num}", "r{num}") means the only peering between r1 and r1, r2 and r2 and r3 and r3 passed though templates"r{num1}", "r{num2}") def routers_peerings(router1: DirectPeer, router2: DirectPeer, session: MeshSession): """Define peering between routers for IPv4 unicast family""" # find minimal and maximum numbers of routers min_num = min(router1.match.num1, router2.match.num2) max_num = max(router1.match.num1, router2.match.num2) # define first router params router1.asnum = BASE_ASNUM + router1.match.num1 router1.addr = f"10.{min_num}.{max_num}.1{router1.match.num1}/24" router1.families = {"ipv4_unicast"} router1.group_name = "ROUTERS" # define second router params router2.asnum = BASE_ASNUM + router2.match.num2 router2.addr = f"10.{min_num}.{max_num}.1{router2.match.num2}/24" router2.families = {"ipv4_unicast"} router2.group_name = "ROUTERS" Create an init file ``generators/mesh_views/``: .. code:: python from annet.mesh import MeshRulesRegistry from . import routers registry = MeshRulesRegistry(match_short_name=True) registry.include(routers.registry) Now, we should use mesh data in generators. First, update the L3Addresses generator ``generators/``: .. code:: python from annet.generators import PartialGenerator # import mesh executor to get access to mesh data from annet.mesh import MeshExecutor from import Device # import mesh registry from .mesh_views import registry class IpAddress(PartialGenerator): """Generator of IP addresses""" TAGS = ["routing", "iface"] def acl_arista(self, _: Device): """ACL for Arista devices""" return """ interface ip address no switchport """ def run_arista(self, device: Device): """Generator for Arista devices""" # update device storage with mesh data executor: MeshExecutor = MeshExecutor(registry, executor.execute_for(device) for interface in device.interfaces: with self.block(f"interface {}"): for ip_address in interface.ip_addresses: yield f"ip address {ip_address.address}" if"Ethernet"): yield "no switchport" Add a new generator for BGP configuration — ``generators/``: .. code:: python from typing import Optional from annet.bgp_models import ASN, BgpConfig from annet.generators import PartialGenerator from annet.mesh.executor import MeshExecutor from import Device from .mesh_views import registry def bgp_asnum(mesh_data: BgpConfig) -> Optional[ASN]: """Return AS number parse mesh bgp peers""" if not mesh_data: return None # AS can be defined in global options if mesh_data.global_options.local_as: return mesh_data.global_options.local_as # If AS is not defined in global options, look for it in peers asnum: set[ASN] = set() for peer in mesh_data.peers: asnum.add(peer.options.local_as) if len(asnum) == 1: return asnum.pop() elif len(asnum) > 1: raise RuntimeError(f"AutonomusSystemIsNotDefined: {str(asnum)}") return None class Bgp(PartialGenerator): """Generator of BGP process and neighbors""" TAGS = ["bgp", "routing"] def acl_arista(self, _: Device) -> str: """ACL for Arista devices""" return """ router bgp router-id neighbor redistribute connected maximum-paths address-family neighbor """ def run_arista(self, device: Device): """Generator for Arista devices""" executor: MeshExecutor = MeshExecutor(registry, mesh_data: BgpConfig = executor.execute_for(device) rid: Optional[str] = mesh_data.global_options.router_id if mesh_data.global_options.router_id else None asnum: Optional[ASN] = bgp_asnum(mesh_data) if not asnum or not rid: return with self.block("router bgp", asnum): yield "router-id", rid # group configuration for peer in mesh_data.peers: yield "neighbor", peer.group_name, "peer group" # use conditional context for group configuration with self.block_if("address-family ipv4", condition=("ipv4_unicast" in peer.families)): yield "neighbor", peer.group_name, "activate" # peer configuration for peer in mesh_data.peers: yield "neighbor", peer.addr, "peer group", peer.group_name yield "neighbor", peer.addr, "remote-as", peer.remote_as Check the list of generators: .. code:: none > annet show generators | PARTIAL-Class | Tags | Module | Description | |-----------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | Aaa | aaa | | Generator of AAA | | Bgp | bgp, routing | Users_gslv_dev_annet_generators___init___py.bgp | Generator of BGP process and neighbors | | Description | description, iface | Users_gslv_dev_annet_generators___init___py.description | Generator of description on interfaces | | Hostname | hostname | Users_gslv_dev_annet_generators___init___py.hostname | Generator of Hostname | | IpAddress | routing, iface | Users_gslv_dev_annet_generators___init___py.ip_address | Generator of IP addresses | | Routing | routing | Users_gslv_dev_annet_generators___init___py.routing | Generator of Routing | | Stp | stp | Users_gslv_dev_annet_generators___init___py.stp | Generator of STP | Check the diff: .. code:: diff annet diff r1.lab r2.lab r3.lab # -------------------- r1.lab.cfg -------------------- interface Ethernet1 + ip address interface Ethernet2 + ip address + router bgp 65001 + router-id + neighbor ROUTERS peer group + address-family ipv4 + neighbor ROUTERS activate + neighbor peer group ROUTERS + neighbor remote-as 65002 + neighbor peer group ROUTERS + neighbor remote-as 65003 # -------------------- r2.lab.cfg -------------------- interface Ethernet1 + ip address interface Ethernet2 + ip address + router bgp 65002 + router-id + neighbor ROUTERS peer group + address-family ipv4 + neighbor ROUTERS activate + neighbor peer group ROUTERS + neighbor remote-as 65001 + neighbor peer group ROUTERS + neighbor remote-as 65003 # -------------------- r3.lab.cfg -------------------- interface Ethernet1 + ip address interface Ethernet2 + ip address + router bgp 65003 + router-id + neighbor ROUTERS peer group + address-family ipv4 + neighbor ROUTERS activate + neighbor peer group ROUTERS + neighbor remote-as 65001 + neighbor peer group ROUTERS + neighbor remote-as 65002 Looks great! Deploy it to the devices: .. code:: none > annet deploy r1.lab r2.lab r3.lab Check the result: .. code:: none > ssh annet@ (annet@ Password: Last login: Tue Feb 4 05:27:51 2025 from r1#sh ip bgp sum BGP summary information for VRF default Router identifier, local AS number 65001 Neighbor Status Codes: m - Under maintenance Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent InQ OutQ Up/Down State PfxRcd PfxAcc 4 65002 4 4 0 0 00:00:05 Estab 0 0 4 65003 4 4 0 0 00:00:05 Estab 0 0 r1# Redistribute Connected ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Let's go deeper. The task now is to configure the redistribution of connected networks into BGP. Create a ``loopback10`` interface on each router with an address in Netbox, following the table: +--------+--------------------+ | Router | Loopback10 address | +========+====================+ | r1 | ```` | +--------+--------------------+ | r2 | ```` | +--------+--------------------+ | r3 | ```` | +--------+--------------------+ Go to the router page, click **Add Components**, and choose **Interfaces**. Use the name ``loopback10`` and type ``Virtual``. Next, add an IP address to the interface following the table. Now, we need to add the redistribution of connected networks to BGP in the mesh. Additionally, we want to filter prefixes between routers! To do this, update the file ``generators/mesh_views/``: .. code:: python from annet.bgp_models import Redistribute from annet.mesh import DirectPeer, GlobalOptions, MeshRulesRegistry, MeshSession # create registry, short name allows skip domain parts in templates registry = MeshRulesRegistry(match_short_name=True) # define base asnum BASE_ASNUM = 65000 # define global options of the host @registry.device("r{num}") def global_options(global_opts: GlobalOptions): """Define global options""" global_opts.router_id = f"1.1.1.{global_opts.match.num}" # define redistribute global_opts.ipv4_unicast.redistributes = ( Redistribute(protocol="connected", policy="IMPORT_CONNECTED"), ) # define peering between routers, we use different names for num, because if they have the same names they have to be with the same value # e.g. ("r{num}", "r{num}") means the only peering between r1 and r1, r2 and r2 and r3 and r3 passed though templates # pylint: disable=unused-argument"r{num1}", "r{num2}") def routers_peerings(router1: DirectPeer, router2: DirectPeer, session: MeshSession): """Define peering between routers for IPv4 unicast family""" # find minimal and maximum numbers of routers min_num = min(router1.match.num1, router2.match.num2) max_num = max(router1.match.num1, router2.match.num2) # define first router params router1.asnum = BASE_ASNUM + router1.match.num1 router1.addr = f"10.{min_num}.{max_num}.1{router1.match.num1}/24" router1.families = {"ipv4_unicast"} router1.group_name = "ROUTERS" router1.import_policy = "ROUTERS_IMPORT" router1.export_policy = "ROUTERS_EXPORT" router1.send_community = True # define second router params router2.asnum = BASE_ASNUM + router2.match.num2 router2.addr = f"10.{min_num}.{max_num}.1{router2.match.num2}/24" router2.families = {"ipv4_unicast"} router2.group_name = "ROUTERS" router2.import_policy = "ROUTERS_IMPORT" router2.export_policy = "ROUTERS_EXPORT" router2.send_community = True You'll notice that the redistribution has a link to the policy ``IMPORT_CONNECTED``. This can be defined by a new generator as plain config, but Annet has a special tool for working with policies. Currently, only Huawei VRP, Arista EOS, and FRR (2025q1) are supported, but we expect this to be updated soon. First, create a new module by creating an empty file ``generators/rpl_views/``. This module will contain policies and their elements. Create a Python file with the policies—``generators/rpl_views/``: .. code:: python # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring from annet.adapters.netbox.common.models import NetboxDevice from annet.rpl import R, Route, RouteMap # create routemap decorator routemap = RouteMap[NetboxDevice]() # define redistribute policy @routemap def IMPORT_CONNECTED(_: NetboxDevice, route: Route): with route( R.protocol == "connected", R.match_v4("LOCAL_NETS"), number=10 ) as rule:"ADVERTISE") rule.allow() with route(number=20) as rule: rule.deny() @routemap def ROUTERS_IMPORT(_: NetboxDevice, route: Route): with route( R.match_v4("LOCAL_NETS", or_longer=(16, 24)), # custom ge/le"ADVERTISE"), number=10 ) as rule: rule.allow() with route(number=20) as rule: rule.deny() @routemap def ROUTERS_EXPORT(_: NetboxDevice, route: Route): with route("ADVERTISE"), number=10 ) as rule: rule.allow() with route(number=20) as rule: rule.deny() For more details on how to use RPL, refer to the `documentation `__. The next two files contain community and prefix list definitions. ``generators/rpl_views/``: .. code:: python from annet.rpl_generators import CommunityList COMMUNITIES = [ CommunityList(name="ADVERTISE", members=["65000:1"]) ] ``generators/rpl_views/``: .. code:: python from annet.rpl_generators import IpPrefixList PREFIX_LISTS = [ IpPrefixList(name="LOCAL_NETS", members=[""]) ] This doesn't look too difficult, but we need to create three generators for: - Policy - Community - Prefix list Policy generator — ``generators/``: .. code:: python from typing import Any from annet.mesh import MeshExecutor from annet.rpl import RoutingPolicy from annet.rpl_generators import ( AsPathFilter, CommunityList, IpPrefixList, RDFilter, RoutingPolicyGenerator, get_policies, ) from .mesh_views import registry from .rpl_views import community, prefix_list, route_map # the class inherited from RoutingPolicyGenerator which has already has generators for some vendors, # but we should define some required methods class RouteMap(RoutingPolicyGenerator): """Generator of Routing Policy""" # mandatory method to get policies, in our case it takes policies mentioned in mesh def get_policies(self, device: Any) -> list[RoutingPolicy]: """Get mentioned in mesh policies""" return get_policies( routemap=route_map.routemap, device=device, mesh_executor=MeshExecutor( registry,, ), ) # mandatory method to get communities def get_community_lists(self, device: Any) -> list[CommunityList]: """Get community lists""" return community.COMMUNITIES # mandatory method to get prefix list def get_prefix_lists(self, _: Any) -> list[IpPrefixList]: """Get prefix lists, not used right now""" return prefix_list.PREFIX_LISTS # mandatory method which not used right now def get_as_path_filters(self, _: Any) -> list[AsPathFilter]: """Get as-path filters, not used right now""" return [] # mandatory method which not used right now def get_rd_filters(self, _: Any) -> list[RDFilter]: """Get rd filters, not used right now""" return [] Community generator — ``generators/``: .. code:: python from typing import Any from annet.mesh import MeshExecutor from annet.rpl import RoutingPolicy from annet.rpl_generators import CommunityList, CommunityListGenerator, get_policies from .mesh_views import registry from .rpl_views import community, route_map class Community(CommunityListGenerator): """Generator of Community Lists""" # mandatory method to get policies, in our case it takes policies mentioned in mesh def get_policies(self, device: Any) -> list[RoutingPolicy]: """Get mentioned in mesh policies""" return get_policies( routemap=route_map.routemap, device=device, mesh_executor=MeshExecutor( registry,, ), ) # mandatory method to get communities def get_community_lists(self, _: Any) -> list[CommunityList]: """Get community lists""" return community.COMMUNITIES Prefix list generator — ``generators/``: .. code:: python from typing import Any from annet.mesh import MeshExecutor from annet.rpl import RoutingPolicy from annet.rpl_generators import IpPrefixList, PrefixListFilterGenerator, get_policies from .mesh_views import registry from .rpl_views import prefix_list, route_map class PrefixList(PrefixListFilterGenerator): """Generator of Community Lists""" # mandatory method to get policies, in our case it takes policies mentioned in mesh def get_policies(self, device: Any) -> list[RoutingPolicy]: """Get mentioned in mesh policies""" return get_policies( routemap=route_map.routemap, device=device, mesh_executor=MeshExecutor( registry,, ), ) # mandatory method to get communities def get_prefix_lists(self, _: Any) -> list[IpPrefixList]: """Get prefix lists, not used right now""" return prefix_list.PREFIX_LISTS Again, update ``generators/``: .. code:: python from annet.generators import BaseGenerator from import Storage from . import ( aaa, bgp, community, description, hostname, ip_address, prefix_list, route_map, routing, stp, ) def get_generators(store: Storage) -> list[BaseGenerator]: """All the generators should be returned by the function""" return [ aaa.Aaa(store), bgp.Bgp(store), community.Community(store), description.Description(store), hostname.Hostname(store), ip_address.IpAddress(store), prefix_list.PrefixList(store), route_map.RouteMap(store), routing.Routing(store), stp.Stp(store), ] Don't forget to update the BGP generator to support import/export policies and send communities — ``generators/``: .. code:: python from typing import Optional from annet.bgp_models import ASN, BgpConfig from annet.generators import PartialGenerator from annet.mesh.executor import MeshExecutor from import Device from .mesh_views import registry def bgp_asnum(mesh_data: BgpConfig) -> Optional[ASN]: """Return AS number parse mesh bgp peers""" if not mesh_data: return None # AS can be defined in global options if mesh_data.global_options.local_as: return mesh_data.global_options.local_as # If AS is not defined in global options, look for it in peers asnum: set[ASN] = set() for peer in mesh_data.peers: asnum.add(peer.options.local_as) if len(asnum) == 1: return asnum.pop() elif len(asnum) > 1: raise RuntimeError(f"AutonomusSystemIsNotDefined: {str(asnum)}") return None class Bgp(PartialGenerator): """Partial generator class of BGP process and neighbors""" TAGS = ["bgp", "routing"] def acl_arista(self, _: Device) -> str: """ACL for Arista devices""" return """ router bgp router-id neighbor maximum-paths address-family redistribute neighbor """ def run_arista(self, device: Device): """Generator for Arista devices""" executor: MeshExecutor = MeshExecutor(registry, mesh_data: BgpConfig = executor.execute_for(device) rid: Optional[str] = mesh_data.global_options.router_id if mesh_data.global_options.router_id else None asnum: Optional[ASN] = bgp_asnum(mesh_data) if not asnum or not rid: return with self.block("router bgp", asnum): yield "router-id", rid # redistribute with self.block("address-family ipv4"): if mesh_data.global_options and mesh_data.global_options.ipv4_unicast and \ mesh_data.global_options.ipv4_unicast.redistributes: for redistribute in mesh_data.global_options.ipv4_unicast.redistributes: yield "redistribute", redistribute.protocol, "" \ if not redistribute.policy else f"route-map {redistribute.policy}" # group configuration for peer in mesh_data.peers: yield "neighbor", peer.group_name, "peer group" # import/export policies if peer.import_policy: yield "neighbor", peer.group_name, "route-map", peer.import_policy, "in" if peer.export_policy: yield "neighbor", peer.group_name, "route-map", peer.export_policy, "out" if peer.options.send_community: yield "neighbor", peer.group_name, "send-community" # use conditional context for group configuration with self.block_if("address-family ipv4", condition=("ipv4_unicast" in peer.families)): yield "neighbor", peer.group_name, "activate" # peer configuration for peer in mesh_data.peers: yield "neighbor", peer.addr, "peer group", peer.group_name yield "neighbor", peer.addr, "remote-as", peer.remote_as Let's check the diff: .. code:: diff > annet diff r1.lab # -------------------- r1.lab.cfg -------------------- + interface Loopback10 + ip address + ip community-list ADVERTISE permit 65000:1 + ip prefix-list LOCAL_NETS + seq 10 permit ge 16 le 32 + ip prefix-list LOCAL_NETS_16_24 + seq 10 permit ge 16 le 24 + route-map IMPORT_CONNECTED permit 10 + match source-protocol connected + match ip address prefix-list LOCAL_NETS + set community community-list ADVERTISE + route-map IMPORT_CONNECTED deny 20 + route-map ROUTERS_IMPORT permit 10 + match ip address prefix-list LOCAL_NETS_16_24 + match community ADVERTISE + route-map ROUTERS_IMPORT deny 20 + route-map ROUTERS_EXPORT permit 10 + match community ADVERTISE + route-map ROUTERS_EXPORT deny 20 router bgp 65001 address-family ipv4 + redistribute connected route-map IMPORT_CONNECTED + neighbor ROUTERS route-map ROUTERS_IMPORT in + neighbor ROUTERS route-map ROUTERS_EXPORT out + neighbor ROUTERS send-community And the patch: .. code:: none > annet patch r1.lab # -------------------- r1.lab.patch -------------------- interface Loopback10 ip address exit ip community-list ADVERTISE permit 65000:1 ip prefix-list LOCAL_NETS seq 10 permit ge 16 le 32 exit ip prefix-list LOCAL_NETS_16_24 seq 10 permit ge 16 le 24 exit route-map IMPORT_CONNECTED permit 10 match source-protocol connected match ip address prefix-list LOCAL_NETS set community community-list ADVERTISE exit route-map IMPORT_CONNECTED deny 20 exit route-map ROUTERS_IMPORT permit 10 match ip address prefix-list LOCAL_NETS_16_24 match community ADVERTISE exit route-map ROUTERS_IMPORT deny 20 exit route-map ROUTERS_EXPORT permit 10 match community ADVERTISE exit route-map ROUTERS_EXPORT deny 20 exit router bgp 65001 address-family ipv4 redistribute connected route-map IMPORT_CONNECTED exit neighbor ROUTERS route-map ROUTERS_IMPORT in neighbor ROUTERS route-map ROUTERS_EXPORT out neighbor ROUTERS send-community exit Deploy it on all three routers: .. code:: bash annet deploy r1.lab r2.lab r3.lab Check the result: .. code:: none > ssh annet@ (annet@ Password: Last login: Wed Feb 5 19:44:08 2025 from r1#sh ip bgp BGP routing table information for VRF default Router identifier, local AS number 65001 Route status codes: s - suppressed contributor, * - valid, > - active, E - ECMP head, e - ECMP S - Stale, c - Contributing to ECMP, b - backup, L - labeled-unicast % - Pending best path selection Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete RPKI Origin Validation codes: V - valid, I - invalid, U - unknown AS Path Attributes: Or-ID - Originator ID, C-LST - Cluster List, LL Nexthop - Link Local Nexthop Network Next Hop Metric AIGP LocPref Weight Path * > - - - - 0 i * > 0 - 100 0 65002 i * 0 - 100 0 65003 65002 i * > 0 - 100 0 65003 i * 0 - 100 0 65002 65003 i r1# Indirect BGP ^^^^^^^^^^^^ We're going to create IS-IS peering between ``r2`` and ``r3`` to exchange ``Loopback0`` addresses. After that, we'll establish indirect BGP peering between ``r2`` and ``r3`` instead of direct peering. We'll also change the ASN on ``r2`` and ``r3`` to ``65004``. The details are presented in the diagram: :: ╔════════╗ Eth1 ║AS 65001║ Eth2 ┌─────────║ r1 ║──────────┐ │ .11 ║ ║ .11 │ │ ╚════════╝ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ Eth1 │ .12 .13 │ Eth1 ╔════════╗ ╔════════╗ ║AS 65004║ Eth2 IS-IS Eth2 ║AS 65004║ ║ r2 ║────────────────────║ r3 ║ ║ ║.12 .13║ ║ ╚════════╝ ╚════════╝ Lo0 Lo0 | | | | +------------iBGP-------------+ First, we need to change the mesh. Here are the steps: 1. Add a ``Loopback0`` interface with IP addresses to ``r2`` and ``r3``, following the diagram. 2. Disable direct peering between ``r2`` and ``r3``. 3. Create a simple policy ``PERMIT_ANY`` for indirect peering. 4. Create indirect peering between ``r2`` and ``r3`` using the ``Loopback0`` interfaces. To add a new loopback interface, repeat the steps from the **Redistribute Connected** section. Disabling direct peering is easy — just add an additional condition that returns nothing. Configuring indirect peering requires using the ``@registry.indirect`` decorator. Here's the updated mesh—``generators/mesh_views/``: .. code:: python from annet.bgp_models import Redistribute from annet.mesh import ( DirectPeer, GlobalOptions, IndirectPeer, MeshRulesRegistry, MeshSession, ) # create registry, short name allows skip domain parts in templates registry = MeshRulesRegistry(match_short_name=True) # define base asnum BASE_ASNUM = 65000 # define global options of the host @registry.device("r{num}") def global_options(global_opts: GlobalOptions): """Define global options""" global_opts.router_id = f"1.1.1.{global_opts.match.num}" # define redistribute global_opts.ipv4_unicast.redistributes = ( Redistribute(protocol="connected", policy="IMPORT_CONNECTED"), ) # define peering between routers, we use different names for num, because if they have the same names they have to be with the same value # e.g. ("r{num}", "r{num}") means the only peering between r1 and r1, r2 and r2 and r3 and r3 passed though templates"r{num1}", "r{num2}") def routers_peerings(router1: DirectPeer, router2: DirectPeer, _: MeshSession): """Define peering between routers for IPv4 unicast family""" # disable direct peering between r2 and r3 if (router1.match.num1 == 2 and router2.match.num2 == 3 or router1.match.num1 == 3 and router2.match.num2 == 2): return # find minimal and maximum numbers of routers min_num = min(router1.match.num1, router2.match.num2) max_num = max(router1.match.num1, router2.match.num2) # define first router params router1.asnum = BASE_ASNUM + 4 if router1.match.num1 in (2, 3) else BASE_ASNUM + router1.match.num1 router1.addr = f"10.{min_num}.{max_num}.1{router1.match.num1}/24" router1.families = {"ipv4_unicast"} router1.group_name = "ROUTERS" router1.import_policy = "ROUTERS_IMPORT" router1.export_policy = "ROUTERS_EXPORT" router1.send_community = True # define second router params router2.asnum = BASE_ASNUM + 4 if router2.match.num2 in (2, 3) else BASE_ASNUM + router2.match.num2 router2.addr = f"10.{min_num}.{max_num}.1{router2.match.num2}/24" router2.families = {"ipv4_unicast"} router2.group_name = "ROUTERS" router2.import_policy = "ROUTERS_IMPORT" router2.export_policy = "ROUTERS_EXPORT" router2.send_community = True # define indirect between routers r2 and r3, note that we use colon after match name. # it means that after colum follow regex, by default regex is any digit - '\d+', # but for now we want to set specific numbers. also indirect peering do not relies on connection in netbox, # since we should define ifname and addr from exited interface @registry.indirect("r{num1:2}", "r{num2:3}") def routers_indirect_peerings(router1: IndirectPeer, router2: IndirectPeer, _: MeshSession): """Define indirect peering between routers r2 and r3 for IPv4 unicast family""" for device in (router1, router2): for iface in device.device.interfaces: if == "Loopback0" and iface.type.value == "virtual" and iface.ip_addresses: device.ifname = device.addr = iface.ip_addresses[0].address # define first router params router1.asnum = BASE_ASNUM + 4 router1.families = {"ipv4_unicast"} router1.group_name = "INTERNAL" router1.import_policy = "PERMIT_ANY" router1.export_policy = "PERMIT_ANY" router1.send_community = True router1.update_source = device.ifname # define second router params router2.asnum = BASE_ASNUM + 4 router2.families = {"ipv4_unicast"} router2.group_name = "INTERNAL" router2.import_policy = "PERMIT_ANY" router2.export_policy = "PERMIT_ANY" router2.send_community = True router2.update_source = device.ifname We also updated the policy view—``generators/rpl_views/``: .. code:: python # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring from annet.adapters.netbox.common.models import NetboxDevice from annet.rpl import R, Route, RouteMap # create routemap decorator routemap = RouteMap[NetboxDevice]() # define redistribute policy @routemap def IMPORT_CONNECTED(_: NetboxDevice, route: Route): with route( R.protocol == "connected", R.match_v4("LOCAL_NETS", or_longer=(24, 32)), number=10 ) as rule:"ADVERTISE") rule.allow() with route(number=20) as rule: rule.deny() @routemap def ROUTERS_IMPORT(_: NetboxDevice, route: Route): with route("ADVERTISE"), number=10 ) as rule: rule.allow() with route(number=20) as rule: rule.deny() @routemap def ROUTERS_EXPORT(_: NetboxDevice, route: Route): with route("ADVERTISE"), number=10 ) as rule: rule.allow() with route(number=20) as rule: rule.deny() @routemap def PERMIT_ANY(_: NetboxDevice, route: Route): with route(number=10) as rule: rule.allow() What else? We need to configure an IGP to provide connectivity between loopbacks! Unfortunately, the mesh doesn't support any protocols except BGP for now (2025q1). We need to assign IP addresses to interfaces and create a new generator for the ISIS protocol. Let's assign IP addresses following the table: +--------+------------------+ | Router | Eth2 address | +========+==================+ | r2 | ```` | +--------+------------------+ | r3 | ```` | +--------+------------------+ Here's the ISIS generator and updated init file: ``generators/``: .. code:: python from typing import Optional from annet.bgp_models import BgpConfig from annet.generators import PartialGenerator from annet.mesh.executor import MeshExecutor from import Device from .mesh_views import registry def _get_isis_net(area: str, ip_address: str) -> str: """Generate ISIS net address from IPv4 address""" padded_octets = [str(int(octet)).zfill(3) for octet in ip_address.split(".")] combined = "".join(padded_octets) return area + ".".join([combined[i:i+4] for i in range(0, len(combined), 4)]) + ".00" class Isis(PartialGenerator): """Partial generator class of ISIS process""" TAGS = ["isis", "routing"] def acl_arista(self, _: Device) -> str: """ACL for Arista devices""" return """ router isis ~ %global interface %cant_delete isis """ def run_arista(self, device: Device): """Generator for Arista devices""" ISIS_NEIGHBORS = { "r2.lab": "r3.lab", "r3.lab": "r2.lab" } executor: MeshExecutor = MeshExecutor(registry, mesh_data: BgpConfig = executor.execute_for(device) rid: Optional[str] = mesh_data.global_options.router_id if mesh_data.global_options.router_id else None if device.hostname not in ISIS_NEIGHBORS or not rid: return with self.block("router isis 1"): yield "net", _get_isis_net("49.0001.", rid) yield "router-id ipv4 ", rid yield "is-type level-2" yield "address-family ipv4 unicast" for interface in device.interfaces: if == "Loopback0" and interface.type.value == "virtual" and interface.ip_addresses: with self.block(f"interface {}"): yield "isis enable 1" if interface.connected_endpoints: for endpoint in interface.connected_endpoints: if device.hostname in ISIS_NEIGHBORS and ISIS_NEIGHBORS[device.hostname] == with self.block(f"interface {}"): yield "isis enable 1" ``generators/``: .. code:: python from annet.generators import BaseGenerator from import Storage from . import ( aaa, bgp, community, description, hostname, ip_address, isis, prefix_list, route_map, routing, stp, ) def get_generators(store: Storage) -> list[BaseGenerator]: """All the generators should be returned by the function""" return [ aaa.Aaa(store), bgp.Bgp(store), community.Community(store), description.Description(store), hostname.Hostname(store), ip_address.IpAddress(store), isis.Isis(store), prefix_list.PrefixList(store), route_map.RouteMap(store), routing.Routing(store), stp.Stp(store), ] Look at the diff and patch: .. code:: diff > annet diff r1.lab r2.lab r3.lab # -------------------- r1.lab.cfg -------------------- router bgp 65001 - neighbor remote-as 65002 + neighbor remote-as 65004 - neighbor remote-as 65003 + neighbor remote-as 65004 # -------------------- r2.lab.cfg -------------------- + router isis 1 + net 49.0001.0010.0100.1002.00 + router-id ipv4 + is-type level-2 + address-family ipv4 unicast interface Ethernet2 + isis enable 1 + interface Loopback0 + ip address + isis enable 1 - router bgp 65002 - router-id - neighbor ROUTERS peer group - neighbor ROUTERS route-map ROUTERS_IMPORT in - neighbor ROUTERS route-map ROUTERS_EXPORT out - neighbor ROUTERS send-community - neighbor peer group ROUTERS - neighbor remote-as 65001 - neighbor peer group ROUTERS - neighbor remote-as 65003 - address-family ipv4 - neighbor ROUTERS activate - redistribute connected route-map IMPORT_CONNECTED + router bgp 65004 + router-id + address-family ipv4 + redistribute connected route-map IMPORT_CONNECTED + neighbor ROUTERS activate + neighbor INTERNAL activate + neighbor ROUTERS peer group + neighbor ROUTERS route-map ROUTERS_IMPORT in + neighbor ROUTERS route-map ROUTERS_EXPORT out + neighbor ROUTERS send-community + neighbor INTERNAL peer group + neighbor INTERNAL route-map PERMIT_ANY in + neighbor INTERNAL route-map PERMIT_ANY out + neighbor INTERNAL send-community + neighbor INTERNAL update-source Loopback0 + neighbor peer group ROUTERS + neighbor remote-as 65001 + neighbor peer group INTERNAL + neighbor remote-as 65004 + route-map PERMIT_ANY permit 10 # -------------------- r3.lab.cfg -------------------- + router isis 1 + net 49.0001.0010.0100.1003.00 + router-id ipv4 + is-type level-2 + address-family ipv4 unicast interface Ethernet2 + isis enable 1 + interface Loopback0 + ip address + isis enable 1 - router bgp 65003 - router-id - neighbor ROUTERS peer group - neighbor ROUTERS route-map ROUTERS_IMPORT in - neighbor ROUTERS route-map ROUTERS_EXPORT out - neighbor ROUTERS send-community - neighbor peer group ROUTERS - neighbor remote-as 65001 - neighbor peer group ROUTERS - neighbor remote-as 65002 - address-family ipv4 - neighbor ROUTERS activate - redistribute connected route-map IMPORT_CONNECTED + router bgp 65004 + router-id + address-family ipv4 + redistribute connected route-map IMPORT_CONNECTED + neighbor ROUTERS activate + neighbor INTERNAL activate + neighbor ROUTERS peer group + neighbor ROUTERS route-map ROUTERS_IMPORT in + neighbor ROUTERS route-map ROUTERS_EXPORT out + neighbor ROUTERS send-community + neighbor INTERNAL peer group + neighbor INTERNAL route-map PERMIT_ANY in + neighbor INTERNAL route-map PERMIT_ANY out + neighbor INTERNAL send-community + neighbor INTERNAL update-source Loopback0 + neighbor peer group ROUTERS + neighbor remote-as 65001 + neighbor peer group INTERNAL + neighbor remote-as 65004 + route-map PERMIT_ANY permit 10 .. code:: none > annet patch r1.lab r2.lab r3.lab # -------------------- r1.lab.patch -------------------- router bgp 65001 no neighbor remote-as 65002 no neighbor remote-as 65003 neighbor remote-as 65004 neighbor remote-as 65004 exit # -------------------- r2.lab.patch -------------------- no router bgp 65002 router isis 1 net 49.0001.0010.0100.1002.00 router-id ipv4 is-type level-2 address-family ipv4 unicast exit interface Ethernet2 isis enable 1 exit interface Loopback0 ip address isis enable 1 exit route-map PERMIT_ANY permit 10 exit router bgp 65004 router-id address-family ipv4 redistribute connected route-map IMPORT_CONNECTED neighbor ROUTERS activate neighbor INTERNAL activate exit neighbor ROUTERS peer group neighbor ROUTERS route-map ROUTERS_IMPORT in neighbor ROUTERS route-map ROUTERS_EXPORT out neighbor ROUTERS send-community neighbor INTERNAL peer group neighbor INTERNAL route-map PERMIT_ANY in neighbor INTERNAL route-map PERMIT_ANY out neighbor INTERNAL send-community neighbor INTERNAL update-source Loopback0 neighbor peer group ROUTERS neighbor remote-as 65001 neighbor peer group INTERNAL neighbor remote-as 65004 exit # -------------------- r3.lab.patch -------------------- no router bgp 65003 router isis 1 net 49.0001.0010.0100.1003.00 router-id ipv4 is-type level-2 address-family ipv4 unicast exit interface Ethernet2 isis enable 1 exit interface Loopback0 ip address isis enable 1 exit route-map PERMIT_ANY permit 10 exit router bgp 65004 router-id address-family ipv4 redistribute connected route-map IMPORT_CONNECTED neighbor ROUTERS activate neighbor INTERNAL activate exit neighbor ROUTERS peer group neighbor ROUTERS route-map ROUTERS_IMPORT in neighbor ROUTERS route-map ROUTERS_EXPORT out neighbor ROUTERS send-community neighbor INTERNAL peer group neighbor INTERNAL route-map PERMIT_ANY in neighbor INTERNAL route-map PERMIT_ANY out neighbor INTERNAL send-community neighbor INTERNAL update-source Loopback0 neighbor peer group ROUTERS neighbor remote-as 65001 neighbor peer group INTERNAL neighbor remote-as 65004 exit Deploy it: .. code:: none annet deploy r1.lab r2.lab r3.lab And check the result: .. code:: none ssh annet@ (annet@ Password: Last login: Fri Feb 7 08:34:22 2025 from r2#sh ip bgp sum BGP summary information for VRF default Router identifier, local AS number 65004 Neighbor Status Codes: m - Under maintenance Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent InQ OutQ Up/Down State PfxRcd PfxAcc 4 65004 6 7 0 0 00:01:00 Estab 2 2 4 65001 2656 2652 0 0 00:01:33 Estab 1 1 r2#