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CLI basic usage

Gnetcli 'cli' is a tool for executing commands on a device. It is useful for using in automation and device regular expression debuging.

For example:

cli -hostname myhost -devtype huawei -command $'dis clock\ndis ver0' -password $password -json
    "output": "2023-10-29 10:00:00\nSunday\nTime Zone(UTC) : UTC\n",
    "error": "",
    "status": 0,
    "cmd": "dis clock"
    "output": "",
    "error": "              ^\nError: Unrecognized command found at '^' position.\n",
    "status": 1,
    "cmd": "dis ver0"


Usage of cli:
  -command string
        Set debug log level
  -dev-conf string
        Path to yaml with device types
  -devtype string
        Device type from dev-conf file or from predifined: juniper, huawei, cisco, nxos, pc, netconf
  -hostname string
        Output in JSON
  -login string
  -password string
  -port int
        Port (default 22)
      Use default ssh config ($HOME/.ssh/config, falling back to /etc/ssh/ssh_config) to search for options for provided hostname. Supported keywords: User, IdentityAgent, ForwardAgent, IdentityFile. If option is specified in config, it will override options from other sources (e.g. User will override -login if specified)
  -ssh-config-passphrase string
      Passphrase for IdentityFiles specified in ssh config.