
Generators are the cornerstone of Annet. Each generator is responsible for generating part of the configuration. A part must be as small as possible. This will reduce the complexity of a generator and increase the granularity of deployment.


Useful for CLI-based configuration. Must inherit from PartialGenerator.

acl function filters out part of the configuration that this generator is responsible for. Also acl may filter more precise using Device object. run returns configuration. acl and run function are prefixed with device.hw.vendor. For example device with vendor huawei will have acl_huawei and run_huawei functions respectively.

class Ntp(PartialGenerator):
    def acl_huawei(self, _) -> str:
        return """

    def run_huawei(self, device):
        yield "ntp server disable"


For file-based generator. Useful for Linux-based configuration. Must inherit from Entire. path returns the path to the file, if the return value is an empty string, then the generator is not applicable for the device. reload returns a command to reload the configuration. It is not applied if nothing has been changed.

class Ntp(Entire):
    def path(self, device: Device) -> str:
        if device.hw.vendor == "PC":
            return "/etc/ntp.conf"

    def run(self, device: Device) -> Iterator[str]:
        return """
    restrict ::1
    server iburst

    def reload(self, _) -> str:
        return "systemctl restart ntpd"


For cases where one file contains configurations for many services. Must inherit from JSONFragment.

class Dns(JSONFragment):
    def path(self, device: Device) -> str:
        if device.breed == "sonic":
            return "/etc/sonic/config_db.json"

    def acl(self, _) -> str:
        return "/DNS_NAMESERVER"

    def reload(self, device: Device) -> str:
        return "sudo config load -y && sudo config save -y"

    def run(self, device: Device):
        with self.block("DNS_NAMESERVER"):
            for ip in device.ifaces.ips:
                with self.block(dns_ip):
                    yield {}